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Access exciting and exclusive content you can’t hear anywhere else.
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Your subscription includes streaming
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Streaming is included with your SiriusXM trial and with Platinum, Music & Entertainment and Music Showcase paid subscriptions.
The Greatest Variety
What you love
is on now
Your kind of music
Every music genre from rock to country and hip-hop to pop. Hits before they hit. Exclusive channels inspired by your favourite artists, styles, and eras – playing right now, ad-free.
Year-round sports
Live play-by-play—plus the latest insider news, talk, and analysis—from every major sport, including the NFL, MLB®, NBA, and NHL®. College sports, NASCAR, and PGA coverage, too.
World-class news
Breaking stories, commentary, and analysis from the top cable news sources and business networks in real time, 24/7.
Talk entertainment
The most extensive and original lineup you’ll find anywhere, featuring the hottest industry stars and celebrity hosts, such as Howard Stern, Andy Cohen, Hoda Kotb, and Savannah Guthrie.
Non-stop comedy
Anecdotal, cringe, heritage, and improv. Clean and uncensored. Every kind of comedy from today’s up-and-coming stand-ups and legendary greats. Always on when you need a laugh.
Explore SiriusXM podcasts
Hear original podcasts created by your favourite SiriusXM hosts, along with the most popular podcasts from top providers like Marvel, ESPN, NPR®, HBO, and more, right on the SiriusXM app. Podcasts vary by package.
Howard 100 & Howard 101
SiriusXM Video featuring
Howard Stern
Watch Howard’s star-studded interviews* including Paul McCartney, Jon Bon Jovi, Alec Baldwin and more.
*SiriusXM Video featuring Howard Stern is available in the Platinum and Streaming Platinum packages.
What You Get
The most essential podcasts, plus SiriusXM originals you can’t hear anywhere else.
Hear original podcasts created from your favourite SiriusXM hosts, along with the most popular podcasts from top providers like Marvel, ESPN, NPR®, HBO and more. Podcasts vary by package.
Marvel Podcasts
Entertainment powerhouse Marvel presents a slate of exclusive, spectacular, and amazing original podcasts for SiriusXM Platinum and Streaming Platinum subscribers, with even more titles coming in 2021.
Exit 209 with Storme Warren
Storme Warren dives into the very beginnings of country music’s biggest stars. From the moment they drove into the heart of Nashville… to having their first hit record.
I Want My 80s Podcast
Each week original MTV VJs will flashback to the most totally righteous decade ever to talk about and give personal insights into the defining moments of the 80s.
The Pat McAfee Show
Pat McAfee, who played in two Pro Bowls during his eight-year NFL career, brings a fresh take on sports and entertainment to listeners and fans. Both relatable and ridiculous, “The Pat McAfee Show” informs, intrigues, and entertains.
Optimize your SiriusXM experience
Frequently Asked Questions
I’m a subscriber. Can I transfer my service from my old car?
Of course! You can easily transfer your radio or add another radio to your existing account online or by calling Customer Care at 1-888-539-7474.
What are the different ways I can listen to SiriusXM
On the SiriusXM app, in the vehicle, and on my device.
How can I listen to SiriusXM at home?
That’s easy! Listen to SiriusXM at home on a wide variety of devices, many of which you may already have. See compatible devices.
How do I send a refresh signal to my radio?
If you’re not receiving all the channels you should be getting with your trial, your radio may need a refresh signal. With your Radio ID or VIN handy, text the word RESEND to 88518 or obtain a refresh signal online.
Message and data rates may apply.
I’m a subscriber. Can I get a subscription for another vehicle at a discount?
Multi-subscription discounts start at a base price of $13.20 per month if you have an active, full-price plan already on your account. For more info, call Customer Care at 1-888-539-7474 or transfer your service online.Can I call someone if I have more questions?
Yep! Just call us at 1-888-539-7474 if you have a question, need help or just want to learn more about SiriusXM.