Not sure what SiriusXM service your vehicle is equipped with? Enter your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) to find out.
Your VIN
VIN numbers are 17 characters maximum
What's a VIN?
The vehicle identification number (VIN), since model year 1981, is a series of 17 letters and numbers. Accepted as the world standard for identifying vehicles, the VIN provides key information about the manufacturer, model, model year, make, equipment and class of a vehicle. By entering your VIN, we can tell you whether SIRIUS has been installed in your vehicle.
Where do I find my VIN?
You can find the VIN:
- on a plaque on the dash or doorpost of your vehicle
- printed on your vehicle registration
printed on your vehicle insurance slip - printed on your vehicle’s bill of sale
- printed on recent service invoices from your dealership or other service outlet