5 Essential Eric Clapton Tracks

Eric Clapton was born on March 30th, 1945, which means the man known as Slowhand is turning 71 this year. While he’s pledged to cut down on his touring, Clapton is still committed to making music. He’s got a new album titled I Still Do, due out May 20th and produced by his old producer, Glyn Johns, which is a solid way to celebrate a 50-year career of great licks and outstanding songs.
To celebrate his birthday, we’ve grabbed some of the greatest guitar moments from throughout the career of Eric Clapton for your listening and watching pleasure. As always, picking just five is a hard task, and everyone has their own favourites, so once you’re done with these, go discover some faves of your own.
Cream – Crossroads
Why Does Love To Be So Sad (with the Allman Brothers Band)
Got To Get Better In A Little While
Layla (with the Allman Brothers Band)
You can hear the music of Eric Clapton in all his guises on SiriusXM channels including 60s on 6, 70s on 7, Classic Vinyl, Classic Rewind, Deep Tracks and The Spectrum.